TURK KURD PKK ISIS (English translation below) // TÜRK KÜRT PKK IŞİD
Here is my fifth column at Yasamburada.com "TURK KURD PKK ISIS"
// Yasamburada.com 'daki beşinci köşe yazım "TÜRK KÜRT PKK IŞİD"
People who say ”Hurry help us”, ”Start a war, rescue us from Turkiye” are openly identified as PKK terror organization; but if you ask, they are on side of Kobane’ calling theirselves freedom fighters or ‘let’s walk hand in hand for peace’ type of people.. What Kobane (!) couldn’t have been rescued from ISIS of only a village of people. While ISIS is going on their actions, PKK terror organization crying out for help, trying to put up a war and pull Turkiye into it, has created a new fight trend digging tunnel under village houses and making innocent people as human shields. While Turk soldier is cleaning PKK terror organization out of this like stones out of rice; fake pictures are flying on internet, so do the fake help cryers for Europe. They never skip their ‘victim’ paragraphs, flying high saying Turkiye is killing their Kurd citizens, doing genocide, it could be Armenian genocide and now for Kurds(!). Turkiye doesn’t kill their Kurd citizens; cleans PKK terror organization who is not wanted, hated and had enough of also by Kurds.
Turkiye Turks who came from Middle Asia, Turks still living there as Turk blooded countries’ Turks have always been on the side of peace. Otherwise, how could all different countries keep their ethnicities in Ottoman Empire? Sultans’ will to enlarge the empire is not so much related with the Turk rooted public.. Turks don’t attack until they get attacked and if they have to attack, they fight so well. Recently, there is the reality Armenia who has been teasing one of the Turk countries, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is not going to put up a war, don’t wait for it Armenia! In history, only China even after teasing and building Great Wall for escaping from the response, still shows respect to Turks and their warriors and doesn’t forget to glorify Turks. Open and read history. It’s not hard.
Let’s turn back to PKK terror organization being able to create lies in five different languages in social media. I don’t know what Turkiye will do next to clean these from internet. Starting with Europe, from Bangladesh to Japan, there are foreigners sharing fake, copy paste pictures but somehow not aware of who PKK is. Why? There is a lie of freedom fighter image seen everywhere and any conscientious left wing foreigner gets melted likely just seen a kitten and multiplies the lie information by sharing. I wonder, when you ask, can they find the places in the map where PKK terror organization has been shooting Turk public in their sleep for 40 years with their machine guns? What kind of jealousy is that on Turkiye?? If a country wanted to kill different ethnicity citizens, would they do it by three or five?? What Nazi Germany had done is for years, gathering and killing millions of innocent Jews - but you now drive your Volkswagen cars?? Anything happened to Germany’s image?? Then why are you crawling to pull Turkiye’s image down?? What jealousy is this? Oh, by the way, you know PKK militants don’t want to speak Turkce in Turkiye but when they immigrate to Europe they speak the language of the country they immigrated to fluently and don’t rebel yet (!) while having countries’ social benefits.
I got asked for this by many many people. I wrote this text for people asking from me this week. Telling about ISIS is a riddle; so is identifying them. Why do they trade women besides petrol? Why are their beards this black? If they are not there for religion then what are they there for? Their number is not seen so many, how could they achieve to spread 6 millions of Syrians to the world? Ask as many times as you want..
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